Monday, July 28, 2008


Innovation Marketing dengan DJARUM BLACK

Memang nggak bisa di pungkiri kalo Djarum black adalah pioneer di community marketing. Dari autoblackthrough sampe INNOVATION semua di luar dugaan. Mereka di rasa aggressive, loud and success. Bener-2 thinking out of the box.

Cara mereka luntuk branding memang unik, dan jauh berbeda dengan competitor. Mereka sangat jauh lebih menonjol. Autoblackthrough menggaet kalangan mobil dan anak-2 gaul. Ehenmm (sambil garuk2 kepala). Dan INNOVATION menstimulasi kreatifitas yang problem solving, dan tentu kami tidak akan meninggalkan jasa mereka terhadap existensi URBAN ART art yang sangat upront dan creative urban style di Indonesia.

PT Djarum terutama dengan DJARUM BLACK memang patut di banggakan, DJARUM BLACK adalah perusahaan Indonesia yang pertama yang berani Branding scala international yang tidak kecil. Di USA dan Eropa Djarum berani berunjuk bahwa di Indonesia juga punya the New Cool Kids On The Block.

The result, mereka berhasil memenangkan hati dunia, yang di buktikan dengan bungkus Djarum black pernah terjual di ebay seharga $50 rupiahnya sekitar Rp 450.000 dimana itu harga untuk 7 slop DJARUM BLACK di Indonesia. Dan ini harus di akui perusahaan yang lain, supaya jangan di Indonesia mulu..heheehe.Go international..dong bro..

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mixed Tape Mercedez Benz

Kata-2 mixed tape di kalangan Hip-hop dan DJ’s sering di katakan untuk menyebut demotape, tapi membuat kata itu memilikis kelas yang beda. Industry music yang bener2 crowded akhirnya banyak artist menemukan ruang gerak yang unik, kalo di Indonesia mungkin yang di katakan branding itu berarti Samsons atau Nidji tetapi kalo menurut Mercedes Benz tidak demikian, branding menurut mereka adalah, reaching out to transmittal talented young artists. Artisnya ada Kan Sano dari Japan, Selena de Leon, Mohanski, Stereo Inn, dan loe semua yang ngerasa punya potensi juga boleh masukin mixed tape lo…

Web ini oke juga, dia presenting entertaining dan informative, formatnya seperti online magazine plus channel gitu dehh..Videonya keren-keren abiz buat lo yang mempunya taste yang lebih specific. Mercedes Benz sudah merilis MIXED TAPE sejak 2004, gw kurang tahu berapa jumlahnya udah ,. Juga di sini ada banyak lagi hal-yang interesting banget.

Music yang di cover pun beda-2 ada Hip-hop, Experimental, Pop, tapi yang jelas sedikit ada selera banget deh…Oh ya, music disini free download winzip files, keren kan.. Kita percaya bahwa music itu seharusnya free, dan artis harus lebih creative dalam self promotion, seperti artis artis di hehhehe engage dengan Mercedes Benz that’s beautiful.

Tampak depannya cukup oke, dia slides content featuring video clip dari kompilasi Mercedes Benz ini, kalau di situ ada iklan Mercy the GLK SUV yang dengan elevator pitch “Mercedez, 180% from expected” wuihh, harganya kaleeeee…hhehehehehee…Tapi kita semua tahu lahh..Mercy is TOP OF THE LINE, dan mari kita nikmati Top of the line internet experience from them…Sekian dari gw…PISSSSS!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ahmad Dhani Marketing and Brand

Music Industry (entertaintment) penuh dengan sensasi, siapa yang bikin sensasi dialah yang di cintai, memasarkan music sangat tidak mudah, apa lagi dengan keluarnya PC dan Laptop yang sedikit banyak membantu pembajakan music secara legal dilengkapi dengan CD writer. Ahmad Dhani di sini adalah seorang sosok pemimpin yang membawa teman-temanya ke tempat yang lebih baik. Karena dia di permudah oleh regulasi pemerintah tentang pembajakan sehingga DEWA lah yang menjadi komoditi bukan CD DEWA yang distribusinya di kuasai label.


Ketika dari bandara LAX di Los Angeles saya barengan satu pesawat dengan DEWA menuju Jakarta, mama saya sempat ngobrol dengan mereka, dia adalah sosok yang selalu harus mendapat perhatian, di manapun dia berada, dan dia tahu bagaimana caranya mendapat perhatian itu. Ahmad Dhani mempunyai Network yang luas, dia sangat mengerti pentingnya networking di dunia bisnis, mungkin dia adalah Music Entrepreneur yang benar2 established di masa yang cukup muda.

TV Exposure

Dunia infotainment di Indonesia memang overblown, oleh karena itu dia butuh content, jadi di sini terjadi simbiosis mutualisme. Sejak awal ratu sudah bisa di mengerti tentang perbedaan segmen di Indonesia, yang tidak kena oleh DEWA akan di suguhi RATU, yang tidak kena juga, ada Andra and the Backbone, Once dan seterusnya, bahkan bukan tidak mungkin kalau dia memasuki dunia anak2.

Dalam Berbisnis

Large corporations mulai melirik selebritis untuk branding produk mereka. Peluang ini benar2 di manfaatkan oleh Ahmad Dhani. Dewi-Dewi mendapatkan endorsement dari salah satu consumer electronic product manufacture sebelum album mereka keluar, padahal nilai penjualan CD mereka di seluruh Indonesia belum tentu separo dari endorsement tersebut. Dhani bisa membuat group music apapun sekarang dan bakal laku di masyarakat.


Di kasus ini mungkin sangat didukung oleh leadership, bagaimana orang segitu banyak nurut ke program-program yang di tulis Dhani, kemungkinan dia tidak tahu apa-apa tentang marketing atau branding, tapi music business in Indonesia, dialah orangnya. Dia tahu sejak awal, bagaimana music bisa success di Indonesia, dia contoh best practiced SLANK waktu itu, dia masuk pada moment yang tepat, tapi perbedaan dia dengan SLANK adalah dia siapkan successor yang berlapis dan aggressive expansions. Dhani bisa memposisiskan dirinya bicara di hadapan UN Security Council,itu bukan hal yang biasa saja.

Akan ada pro-dan con tentang ini,di system yang demokratis rakyat Indonesia yang telah memilih.

Your friends,

Thursday, July 17, 2008


In negotiation you have to know the opponents, the environment and your position, first the projected the condition above, and know your way out of every situation, Moore’s law, anything that can go wrong will go wrong so it is better to projected your outcome. But have positive outlook for the result.

I prefer aggressiveness of style of negotiations, and melt everything down with jokes and body language. This method will definitely need to be conducted extremely carefully and always have an option of backing off, with a good up side. For example, “Please excuse me, I understand that if your organization is not ready for something like this, we must continue with our objective, and you have my number in case you have changed your mind”.

Friendly is also a good technique to negotiate, Bruce Lee once said enthusiasm attract enthusiasm, talk in the WE mode and stay calm in reading the moves of your prospect. Friendly negotiators offer a collaborative approach to negotiation that solves problems and engineers the best winwin deal for all parties. They believe in honesty and realistic start points.

The chameleon likes to be clever and manipulative. Any emotion is usually faked and they are likely to employ mind games and tricks in order to engineer the most advantageous outcome for themselves, usually works pretty well.

Prepare your self well. Golden rules is to be as honest as possible, and what other people won do to you, do not do it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Ide awal dari NOLiMiTiDEA adalah upaya untuk menarik viewer yang muda, unique taste, influencer, creator, dan innovator. Kami sadar bahwa informasi sanggat cluttered di era informasi ini sangat mudah di dapat, dan akan lebih sulit mencari informasi yang relevan dan mainstream media di Indonesia sangat lemah dalam memberi quality information.

Informasi yang di dapat di NOLiMiTiDEA dipastikan pasti hal-hal yang out of the box, dengan memanfaatkan resource kami di penjuru dunia, NOLiMiTiDEA memang user based yang kontenya akan di approved oleh admin. Media yang mild ini di pastikan memiliki traffic 10.000 satu minggu setelah launching dengan mengeluarkan zero on marketing. Page rank naik 200.000 dalam waktu 2-3 hari.

Yang lebih menambah optimism kita, adalah kita percaya bahwa internet produk yang unik seperti akan memiliki BLINK efek yang kuat di pandangan viewers. Karena tujuan kami adalah member inspirasi kepada user dan membuka chanel marketing yang unik bagi advertiser. Mempermudah mereka untuk berkomunikasi dengan target market mereka terutama para influencer.

Monday, July 14, 2008

First Hydrogen Bomb Test Was named Google and it was Astonishing, so is Google Inc.

The intention to cover Google is because they are top chartin financial portfolios today at $554.53 today, they create new elements of life and they know where to take it. Everything they did is never done in the history it is totally debatable but they have chocked down the internet industy, the industry that had major impact some even mention that it is more game changin than industrial revolution.

The more astonishing things that Google did is the fact that they completely dominate the surfing pattern of the entire world. Their intelligent strategy and business models is basicly the key to their success, and vividly projected the outcome of the internet culture. Google was considered late entrant in search engine business compare to Lycos, Altavista, Netscape, a DC area based AOL Time Warner and many, but yet they had define and secured a solid position in the industry.

The emerging of Google began in 1989 by Larry Ellison and Sergey, they start the company with enthusiasm, talent, verve, develop and they grow with the company. Determination and passion of them two finding the right candidate Eric Schmidt assisted by John Doerr was an important stage. Yes, they are considere true marvels for there is no other company had accomplished even half as much since World War II at a very young age.

Funny thing is everytime we fill the cyberspace with website unknowingly we had enriched Google, and yet we rely on them to give us shortcuts to our destinations. Larry and Sergey have no management background but they succed in projecting the outcome and off course grow some profit.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Will Power

Strategy and action is the key to emerge.

Too many people are focusing on more plan and less action, I have found that the time I spent on gave me clear idea where sky trade inc is heading. The direction is just exactly the way I want it to be, Learning outcomes is about self assessment that everyone needs in this age of information. I will continue to give the most important things we should know, more than just a phenomenon but the genius mastermind behind it. Please understand my limitation for the main purpose of it all is great fun life.

My commitment with is driven by the same concept that I have in mind, time is the most precious gift, and “it is the most challenging situations when we have the opportunity to change things”. Reaching out for possibility and finding the best support from the best allies. The basic concept of sky trade inc is to give trade secret of any industry so others can see how the industry is behaving.

Approach with giving great inspirations to the others, and let’s kill our ego to reach the divine success. Thank you for all your support, and I appreciate any constructive feedback

Future Emerge

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Hello all,

Semua ini mulai dari small idea dan few people, bertujuan untuk menjadi area bermain creative innovators di mana idea have no limit, ini tempat dimana tidak ada formalitas, dan basa-basi yang nonsense, pure 100% inspiration juice.

Seiring perubahan lifestyle yang cepat dan menjadi salah satu channel untuk memantau perubahan. Tidak selalu apa yang popular tapi pasti apa yang hot, hot web, hot music, hot design and hot fashion.

Semua ini kami di sajikan untuk di nikmati. So please, have fun at .

“Reality changes”


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Peter Drucker


Drucker had opened doors for countless managers. His books are as relevant today as they were to managers in the decades in which he wrote them. Drucker simply had the talent and ability to identify core truths about human workplace behaviour and the capacity to accurately predict outcomes from trends that were present but not easily seen without hindsight. He had, a convention panel agreed, made a huge and sustained contribution to the literature on the art of management which, strangely, seemed to be shunned by the world’s leading universities.

His wife, Doris Drucker, spoke to the topic “Information: Is It Everything?” We are, she said, engulfed by a maelstrom of information which, unless activated by knowledge, is meaningless. In the three years between 1999 and 2002 the amount of information available in the world increased by a third. “Do humans have the capacity to absorb the volume of information they are now bombarded with?” she asked.

Doris Drucker compared today’s information explosion with the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century when reformists fought for the abolition of child labour. Her fears may prove unfounded, she said, but whatever the situation “we now need farsighted leaders with the vision to manage this challenge for the future”.

Another global management guru, Tom Peters, chaired two convention sessions; the fi rst aimed at describing business in the future in a disruptive age – how to survive and how to thrive. His second session was designed to identify the essential skills and attributes managers need to be effective in today’s world. On business in the future Peters made two key points:

Women are the key purchasing decision makers in today’s world. Men in management roles must understand this and realign their organisations’ targets.

The world’s population is ageing and management needs to understand the repercussions of that process.

Aura Kasih

This girl is supposed to be an Indonesian Phenomenon and promoted as the controversially sexy..ummm that relative. ;) Well, you be the Judge. more on Aura Kasih on

Monday, July 07, 2008

Friedrich Stahl

Both the spiritual and the material are mutable and the passage of time unceasingly sweeps along the forms which constitute the clothing of outer life and of the life of the spirit. The subject of history, then, is to show the two identical fundamental tendencies and to demonstrate, first of all, that everything spiritual, whatever the sphere in which it is discerned, has a historical aspect by which it appears as change, as contingent, as a passing element which is part of a larger, to us infinite, whole and secondly that everything that happens has a spiritual side which renders it part of what is imperishable. For the spirit is mutable but not transient. - Jakob Burckhardt

Teori Konservatif pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Sejarah.

Di rangkum dari tulisan Peter Drucker tentang Friedrich Stahl, pada awalnya di mulai dari kepedulian protestan di Jerman yang akhirnya mengarah ke konservatif (kepedulian) kehidupan. Jerman mengalami kemandulan politik yang di karenakan matinya konservatif dan guncangan baru terhadap dunia di mulai lagi di tahun 1848. Stahl bisa di fahami hanya dengan pendalam keadaan masa itu di Jerman. Masa yang menjadi awal perubahan dari restorasi dan revolusi.

Stahl menganalisa pihak-pihak yang di tinjau dari segi umur yang bergerak memiliki tujuan yang sama mengalihkan arah dengan prinsip spiritual, menggerakan kekuatan level atas yang sebagai titik pelebar itu ada dan bisa terjadi yang di dorong oleh prinsip utama kehidupan. Kehidupan lebih baik dari kematian dan dengan prinsip kesatuan baru yang masyarakat yang tetap dengan konstitusi baru.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

More on F 999 Ford

Friday, July 04, 2008

Hydrogen Fueled Cell

I'm not going to start with what Hydrogen Fueled Cell, just here to introduce the worlds first Hydrogen Fueled cell car and I can bet you that this is the worlds fastest, its called "999" Runs 207.3 mph. Efficient enough for you. This car is supported by battery..

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Composing a Plot

The French historian Fernand Braudel offered a coherent way to understand. First, there were the shifting political alliances which led to an internationally linked economy. What scenario planners call "logics": the plot which ties together the elements of the system. All cycles have a similar plot, a plot of rising and falling fortunes. All evolution works pretty much the same way, also political stumble.

Scenarios explore several of those alternatives, based on the plots (or combination of plots) which are most worth considering. The same set of driving forces might, of course, behave in a variety of different ways, based on the past.

There are three main plots

Winners and Losers

Challenge and Response


Winners and Losers

This plot starts with the perception that the world is essentially limited, that resources are scarce, and that if one side gets richer, the other side must get poorer. Economist Lester Throw called this the "zero-sum game." Only one candidate can win the election; therefore, others must lose. Only one country can dominate the economy; therefore, others must be subservient. Only one executive can become CEO; therefore, the rivals must leave the company. Only one corporation can dominate the market; there can be only one IBM in computers.

Challenge and Response

We may see events that bring us to the brink, but the system itself won’t fail. Instead, it will evolve further with each new challenge and response. It comes from script writing as well as from historian Arnold Toynbee, it refers to adventure stories in which an individual faces one unexpected test after another.. Overcoming the test, passing the test, is important—not for its credential, but for its effect on the hero’s character.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Strategy in Gaining Control in Technology

Concepts of operation

Strategy in technology usually began with what is on the table, and evaluation of environment then move to what can be done or alternative such as consolidation. In technology consolidation is important tactics Reason for Consolidation:, User acquisitions (monitizable via advertising) , Talent acquisitions (primarily engineering –#1 reason for Google) , Gap fillers for full internet “platform” High demand for Web 2.0 features by customers ion) , Competitive differentiation , Low entry barriers into (Cisco, A, New techproblems (i.e., wikis for collaborate new markets mazon)technologies solving old.

Environmental trend

Provide and assessment what is going on in the surface, what is the current trend, including Intelligence analysis. Duties will include: link analysis, researching databases, collating information, performing evaluations and assessments, authoring and composing reports, presenting, maintaining databases, and disseminating critical information/products.

Impact assessment

After the establishment research goals, objectives, and priorities could be enacted by the stroke of accomplishment.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Indonesia E-commerce Research

Indonesian Future e-commerce

“Despite their success in predicting attitudes, thought-listing techniques are suspect because thought-listing relies on intentional retrieval from memory to report internal cognitive processing, and this intentional retrieval has the potential to introduce bias,” Yanliu Huang and J. Wesley Hutchinson (University of Pennsylvania).

Executive summary

This report examines the trends of internet in Indonesia. Most of the present success in e-commerce are news and connectivity based e-commerce. The character of Indonesian surfer uses internet for social network, emails, search engine and adult entertainment. Secondly they use internet for browsing, Indonesian e-commerce face a fierce competitions with US based e-commerce because Indonesian internet user are quickly attracted to US service provider.

Form of Indonesian internet services providers and subscribers based services. There are many Indonesian service providers ones that provides info financials, men entertainment, news, portals and educational and many more less popular interest based sites.

Evidence of the internet has pressuring new organizations to move to web based service. MNC group with,, Biggest threats as a result of the internet technology are to local newspaper and local radios.

Dependency on the computers and laptop penetrations, product and news that people wants will effect the internet use. Also the rapid growth of social and economic culture, online retail business module is also blooming in the past few years, hundreds smaller companies began to serve their customer online, from electronic stores, to clothing to ad spots retailer, Internet is here to stay.

To read the rest email

Dotcom, mulai booming internet access murah dan hotspot udah di mana2, bahkan free internet di halte busway sudah ada (sayangnya sering mati). Transisi media dari TV ke internet sudah tidak bisa di pungkiri lagi, internet menawarkan hal yang tv tidak bisa tawarkan, informasi cepat, alias information superhighway. ABG juga lebih cepat adaptasi dengan internet dari pada orang dewasa, SMPN 4 Cirebon sudah aktif berkomunikasi dengan teman2nya di seluruh Indonesia.

E-commerce Indonesia tentu masih di dominasi situs asing Friendster, Yahoo, Google, dan Bloggers mewarnai papan atas e-comm Indonesia, media belum banyak melirik ke sini, dan situs-2 wacana anak muda mulai bermunculan, yang menyajikan konten bertema subculture, dan lifestyle…

Kadang gw mikir, sejauh mana pemerintah dan asosiasinya mendalami environment internet di negeri kita? Berapa jumlah service provider skala besar yang bisa profit dari .com bisnisnya ? Dan berapa nilai dari ecommerce Indonesia untuk sekarang? Dan kedepanya kaya gimana? Mungkin teman2 pernah ada yang dapet.
