Thursday, February 14, 2008


Event booms, had attack Indonesia with an excessive force as a promotion media, what hurts is this strategy is also imitated by other smaller brands, creating clutter in promotion world. When are we begin to educating people, and giving people leads to reach their destination, so much money is wasted on unethical defacement. There must be solutions to this matter. (it is called research).

Marketing Hacks

Stealth Marketing: Any practice designed to deceive people about the involvement of marketers in a communication.
Shilling: Paying people to talk about (or promote) a product without disclosing that they are working for the company; impersonating a customer.
Infiltration: Using fake identities in an online discussion to promote a product; taking over a web site, conversation, or live event against the wishes or rules set by the proprietor.
Comment Spam: Using automated software ('bots') to post unrelated or inappropriate comments to blogs or other online communities.
Defacement: Vandalizing or damaging property to promote a product.
Spam: Sending bulk or unsolicited email or other messages without clear, voluntary permission.
Falsification: Knowingly disseminating false or misleading information.

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